strategies to crack board exams like a topper

strategies to crack board exams like a toppers

This page is about the success secrets of the toppers and mantras that can help you to reach your goal

Success just doesn't come to you,

you have to go out and get it.......

you can be the next topper 
 your success lies in your hand

 The undoubtedly year 2020 was a hard and long year 
for all the people around the world. It remained a  
very tough year for the students especially for 
those who are appearing for the boards or 

The year 2020  was packed with new challenges,  uncertainties, and overwhelming emotions. On the other hand, it added a new chapter in education of complete digital learning to find opportunities and to create innovative ideas and thoughts on how to survive. Still lot of challenges are there for those who have boards and exams this year.

It is going to be hard but it does not mean impossible.


Anxiety, sweating palms, feeling down, a rapid heartbeat, shaking legs can be the outcomes in exams time caused by your improper preparation or low confidence. study says anxiety and nervousness in a limit can be good to push you to put extra efforts and to be cautious about your preparations but once it crosses the line can be a matter of concern. 

In adversity, we have two choices: to be bitter or to be better.

Here is some strategy that  can help you out in cracking your board exams like toppers:

1. Believe in yourself: 

 The very first key is to have faith in you. Believing in yourself is the secret of success. 'I CAN I WILL...'
is the basic mantra of being successful. If you trust your skills then you are unstoppable to achieve your target.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal'' -believing in you determines your actions and your actions determine your results. so. believe in you... Deepika,TSPSC AE & AEE  
 2. Go through with NCERT books: 

Devanshi Jain, Lucknow, Ist topper 2020

 Marks  600/600  100%

While disclosing her secrets of success In an interview, Devanshi told the importance of reading NCERT  books in securing good.
If you want to be a topper then go through. with your NCERT books. Reference or help books are just to help or scoring average marks these kinds of books never replace your textbooks. The language of textbooks is important to score good marks. The thorough reading will help you to grasp the concept of any subject and you will be more confident about that subject.

3.Don't study for too long hours:

Aditya Jain Third topper 2017

study for too long hours hardly works for toppers. surprisingly it makes the study more tedious and boring.
studying for long hours will not help much and you will get stressed if you will study for 10-12 hours a day with almost no break. However, if one will study for a short period with concentration then he/she can achieve good marks on board exam.....Aditya Jain,3rd topper of board exam2017

Aditya Jain,  Marks  99.2%

  4. Set a target and complete timely:

      sharing his success and preparation story Aditya Jain, a student of commerce said that it's really helped him to score well that he fixed targets on daily basic rather than too long and complete timely. For example, you can divide your study hours according to your preparation for a particular subject and how much content you need to prepare daily. Before going to bed make sure your targets should be accomplished. 

5. Hard work has no substitute:

     Garima Sharma, CBSE12.Third Topper2019

said in a conversation that Hard work is the most important thing. Students should start studying from the very first, without taking the midterm and pre-board lightly. one should pay equal attention to pre-board too.
students should focus on. preparation from the very beginning. It brings flow in studies. on the other hand, students should be very constant and avoid unnecessary stress.

 6.  Plan, Analyse, Rewrite

            whenever you revise try to do it in writing. Every time you can analyze your mistakes and correct them especially for
preparing language or stats. keep practicing  previous years papers and you can check your progress in preparation
Revision regularly is extremely important and mandatory. practice at least ten years previous papers. link is shared below for previous years' papers.

summary: To conclude, It is observed that all toppers emphasize revision and practice previous question papers regularly, check and trigger your mistakes.  most importantly study with a  calm mind and avoid negative surroundings.

"Winners don't wait for chances they just take it"

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