“Reading should not be presented to children as a chore, a duty. It should be offered as a gift.” – Kate DiCamillo

Reading is an integral part of learning a language. Reading ability considered an undemanding and effortless natural process by most of people. They think reading ability and skills come naturally to everyone by the time whoever is literate. But this mindset proves wrong when we see a number of students in a  class or people  struggling with their reading ability and having poor reading skills 

Basically, any language has main four essential  components:

1. listening




 There are 4 main components of a language i e listening,  speaking reading, and writing.  To learn a language anyone needs to master these components. apart from these four first two listening and speaking does not require much skills to learn but for the last two reading and the writing need proper knowledge of a particular language and specific skills to develop. We can understand this with a very simple example of the language learning process of a child. A child starts speaking his/her parental language without any formal knowledge of that language. The child starts speaking the local language without learning it formally. But learning reading and writing required formal knowledge of that particular language. 

Difference between reading ability and reading  skills:

Language is a medium to communicate. Any illiterate person has speaking and listening ability which means he/she can speak and understand by listening to at least one language. It doesn't require any specific skills to develop it. It comes gradually by real-life experience or listening to people around you using the same language for a particular period of time. 

Reading is a process because it proceeds from one step to another. In simple words, reading is an ability to read and understand the meaning of the written words signs, and symbols. On the other hand, Reading skill is much more than that. These are the specific ability that enables the reader to turn writing into a sense or able to read the written form as meaningful language and to mentally interact with the message. Reading skills differ from one to another. Different people may read a text and comprehend it differently.

Benefits of Reading skills:

Here are some amazing benefits of reading;

1.Expand your knowledge 

2, Increase your  vocabulary

3. Boost your mood

4 improve your writing skill 

5 Enhance your creativity and imagination

6 Prevent cognitively decline

7. Empower you to empathize

8. Aids sleep

Tips for students to improve reading skills:

Anyone can evaluate his reading habit to find out where he needs improvements. just check, if you are able to read new words and sentences without slowing down your speed or strange words vary your speed of reading material. Do you read full sentences without leaving any new or difficult words? Do you also feel to improve your reading? If yes, here  are simple ways to improve it:

Highlighting Text: 

while reading teacher may ask students to highlight important information as they read. It will help them to stay focused  collect all the important info and develop content thinking skills as well as  improve their  reading skills,

Grasp the theme:

 Whenever you are reading any content try to find out the theme or the main content of the material then only you will be able to understand the content. Do not read just to read .students should ask to look for a specific theme throughout the chapter read. they will learn to find and understand the theme. This is a fact that each individual will interpret the theme in a slightly different but overall the main understanding of the content will be the same.

pleasure reading:

Read what you like. you can start building your reading interest by reading simple and short material of your choice rather than stuck on genre authors and trends. Make reading a fun

Make reading a habit:

Develop reading habits in yourself. Even this habit should be inculcated since childhood. parents and teachers can play a vital role in that. Make reading a routine in any form like bedtime stories reading as a pastime or do commuting reading. whatever way you like u can add.

Keep word bank handy:

To Increase your vocabulary keep a dictionary handy. Maintaining a list of new words and you can check the origin of the words.

Enrich your vocabulary:

To strengthen your vocabulary look up new words wherever you get a chance to find them, maybe in a newspaper, book, or in a movie. Use these new words in your day-to-day conversation. 

Stay focused:

To improve your reading speed practice reading 15to 30 minutes daily. check your word speed rate daily. Assess your comprehension of what you read. Ideally, you need to read faster while maintaining an understanding of the content.

In a nutshell

Reading is a skill which needs to develop. how strong your reading skill depends on your interest and efforts.

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