Our brains are constantly bombarded with information from the body sensory receptors

Learning new things is an integral and constant part of life. The human brain remains curious and keeps striving to grow and learn better. but, it is a too time-consuming process and time is very limited and precious to all. Now the question emerges how we can expedite this learning process and rescue our priceless time. Is it possible to assess the key to speed up these brain functions?
                             Hats off to Neuroscience which has explored and talked a lot about our brain functions and the process of how it holds on to all the data and information. 
                    If you want to jump-start to elaborate your knowledge,  here are the best 5 - scientifically proven ways to learn faster, better, and deeper which can be implemented from today itself.

 1.Switch to pen and paper 

writing capture a thought or idea to  transfer it to a permanent format 

Surprisingly the so-called old-fashioned way to keep notes with pen and paper has proven one of the best effective methods to learn things. Using your laptop or Ipad for briefing during conference meetings or college lecturers is a vogue undoubtedly but researchers say it is not going to help you speed up your learning skip your electronic gadgets and switch to the pen and paper method.
 A study in psychological science proves that writing forces you to be more selective,
when you jot down something you refrain from the main content and importantly you reframe all the information in your own words rather than just copying that.
for instance, if you meet someone or a client you will pay more attention to listen to focus on what has been discussed but when you ask to write you will become more precise about what to write down. On the other hand, typing is just mindless note-taking.
                                          when you comprehend any information in writing rather than typing it remains in your memory for a long time that's mean it can be recalled effectively any time you need. Moreover, pen n paper reduces your screentime so fewer chances to get distracted as social media is just a click away on your tablet and laptop.
                               Ultimately, it is a matter of personal preferences and what you think works best for you. If you are a tech-junky. step out from your comfort zone, experiment with pen and paper, explore handwriting that can help you to learn better and retain more data and info as a speaker on an event, or to create more productive ideas during a collaborated brainstorming session. Much needed to activate your brain to open up for writing at a different level from personal purging journals to setting corporate goals.

2. Be precise: Take Notes


taking notes not only helps you retain more info. but also it boosts your productivity

     researchers say whenever you learn a new topic try to adopt a different strategy for making notes. Note-making develops a better understanding of the topic and keeps reserve all content in your memory. How faster n better you learn depends on your Note-making skills. This skill helps you to assemble matter in an organized way.

 Key benefits of Note Taking

*keeps you alert, active and involved.
* It engages your mind active while taking notes.
*helps you to avoid drowsiness or distraction.
*promote active learning.
*Extends attention span.
*Boost your comprehension skill.
*Increase creativity. 
 Good Note making includes some basic techniques.

 Techniques for listening and note takings:

* write phrases, symbols not full sentences...
*Be precise, brief, and to point...
*Use abbreviations to save time.
*Keep notes handy.
*Pen down filtered info only.
*Avoid trivial content...
*Code your notes, highlight main data.  
 *Write keywords for missing info...

3.Sleep more to work better
yes, you read it right, you need to improve your sleeping hours to excel in your learning skill. psychological science says sleeping and learning basically have a bond or relation. Researches say sleeping sufficiently is actually one of the most important factors that one can do to consolidate knowledge. Most of us think we sleep to rest. We sleep to re-energize ourselves for the day ahead.

A lot of research found that sleep supports a diversity of other functions as well as one of the most bombshells that research has started to provide evidence for sleeping as a learning aid. there is even more study that has been looking into how napping can influence our memory and learning ability complete 7-8 hour sleep boost your creativity and memory. sleeping seems to be especially important for remembering facts. So whenever you have a stressful weekend, a long to-do list, or preparing for any Big Test- GO GET SOME SLEEP!

4.Apply various tact of learning

  According to a new study at John  Hopkins university school of medicine, during an experiment, they found that if you practice a slightly changed version of a task you want to master, you actually learn n faster than if you just keep applying the same thing multiple time in a row. Avoid repeating things again n again. There are a number series of methods that can  hack your learning skills,

Teach someone or pretend to teach:

learning by teaching others to at least pretend to teach has proven an extremely effective key to learn. It has been demonstrated in many studies students who apply the same knowledge to teach others to show better understanding and knowledge retention than students who simply spent time in rot learning.

Self-explanation is a powerful learning technique according to a meta-analysis of 64 studies involving 6000 participants.

Try mnemonic device
0ne  of the best way to recall a  lot of information n content quickly is to use a mnemonic device. It is a pattern of sound, alphabets, and letters, or other association that helps in learning something new. one of the best examples of this we all have to practice in kindergarten --ABC  - The alphabet song. Through this song, ABCs has an insert in our memory.

popular mnemonic


5.Optimize  your brain  health

It is a fact that our brain is overloaded with information. In every blink, our brain is sending tons of signals to our sensory receptors to save some new information. But stress, anxiety, and exhausted nerves pull back your brain to process effectively.
whenever our brain tired anxious or confused it shut down for a moment at that time we fail to stay connected and keep focusing on one thing. The best way to combat this situation is to optimizing your brain health to restore it. giving regular breaks to our brain even for few minutes can work wonder 

your brain is like other muscles of your body- you need to use it or lose it.  

stay hydrated 
we all aware of the benefits of water intake for us.Keeping ourselves hydrated not only boosts our immune system, improves skin tone but also revives our cognitive ability. A simple act of drinking a glass of water can boost a child's productivity and helps them to concentrate and feel revitalized throughout the day. Recent studies demonstrate a link between water consumption and academic achievement. poor water intake affects mental performance and learning ability. studies prove that once thirst is left, mental performance including memory. concentration and attention decrease at least 10 percent.

Take a Mediterranean diet
Diet plays a vital role in your brain health. Doctors suggest a Mediterranean diet that emphasizes plant-based foods, whole grains, and healthy fats. healthy food increases mental focus.


Exercise regularly and stay mentally alive.
your brain is like other muscles of your body- you need to use it or lose it.  
there are many activities and exercises that help you to keep your brain in shape and active. Incorporate your brain in various activities, sudoku .jigsaw puzzle, playing cards, reading or similar exercises consider as cross-training of your brain. practice yoga, meditation, or exercise much needed for a healthy brain.

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  1. Thanks mam for sharing your experience with us this is very helpful To us🤗🤗🙏🙏
