Punctuation Marks (part- 1)

  Punctuation Mark (part- 1)

 This page contains :

1. Does English need punctuation marks? Do we mind punctuation while writing and speaking English?
2. What is a punctuation mark? 
3.  Most common punctuation and its basic rules of use.
  a) Terminal punctuation 
 i) full stop
 ii) Question mark
 iii) Exclamation Mark

  b)  Pauses :
   i)  commas 
  ii)  semicolon 
  iii)  colon 

  c)   Apostrophe                      


Does English need punctuations?
Do we mind punctuation while speaking or writing? 

Most people assume English is just about choosing the correct word and arrange those words in proper order. Many of us hardly mind using punctuation. Do we care? Let's check out this with a simple act.
just imagine a world without punctuation. It doesn't seem a big deal to many of us if suddenly all punctuation commas, full stop. question mark and so on eliminate from English. Even it wouldn't  be noticed rather than a grammarian or grammar geek
The truth is that English without punctuation marks will be lifeless. These symbols are given to a reader to show how a sentence is constructed and how it should be read. Punctuation shows how the sentence should be read to makes the meaning clear. students often don't use or ignore using punctuation marks as they don't realize the importance of applying them in writing essays and other written works. Normally they focus on the other part of writing like constructing sentences, selecting vocabulary, conveying the idea, sentence fluency, etc. ignoring the same valued aspect i.e punctuation. Comparatively these marks play an important role in writing order to write an impressive and effective assignment one needs to understand the importance and use of punctuation correctly. Incorrect use of these marks not only creates confusion but also can change the whole scenario of conversation. 

Check some sentences with and without punctuations.

I like cooking dogs and cats. 

I like cooking, dogs and cats.

Let us eat Grandma

 Let's eat, Grandma.

Today we will learn to cut and paste kids

Today we will learn to cut and paste, kids.


Punctuation marks:

Punctuations are such marks and signs used to divide a piece of writing into sentences, phrases, etc.  Here is the list of common punctuation marks in English.

1.Quotation Marks ( " " )
2.full stop/period  ( . )                                         
3.QuestionMark ( ? )
4.ExclamationMark/Exclamation point  ( ! )
5.Hypen  ( - ) 
6.Comma  ( , )
7.Colon  ( : ) 
8.Semi colon  ( ; )
9.Apostrophe  ( ' )
10.Brackets or Parentheses  (  )
11.Ellipsis ( ... )
12.slash ( / )

Most common punctuation and its basic rules of use.

Terminal punctuation

Terminal punctuations are the marks that we used at the end of a sentence to end a sentence.

period/full stop ( . )
Question mark ( ? )
Exclamation mark /Exclamation point ( ! )

 Full stop / Period

The full stop in British English (BrE) and period in American English (AmE) is used to mark the end of two types of sentences:i) Declarative sentences: Declarative sentences declare something or give some information. At the end of such sentences, we used full stop or period. For example-

I teach English.

We have a match tomorrow.

If it rains, I will go by cab.

You are looking so happy today

 ii) Imperative sentences: Imperative sentences are usually commands and requests

Please stay home today.

Let me know when you reach the airport.

Consult your doctor, you seem unwell.

Kindly accept my apologies.

Question Mark ( ? )

It is used to mark the end of a question. It is quite clear if a sentence is a question,  put a question mark at the end of the sentence. Here are some example-

How are you?

Do you like watching movies?

Are you excited about your new job?

Who lives in this house?

Exclamation Mark/ Exclamation point:

i) The Exclamation Mark is used to convey strong emotions or feeling like surprise, joy, anger, Excitement, sorrow, etc. Without emotions these words like a declarative sentence only.
I'm excited about my new job.    (without emotion)

I'm excited about my new job!     ( in excitement )

If you work late tomorrow, you are fired!   (anger)

 ii) An exclamation mark is also used after an interjection such as Hurray, wow, oops, ouch, alas, etc.

Wow! what a house. (amazement)

Hurrah! we won the match. (joy)

Ouch! you stepped on my foot. (pain)

Pauses: commas,colon.semicolon

 Pauses tell the reader to stop or pause for a moment and then continue reading. There are three marks to show pauses in a sentence under this category are:
 The comma (, )
semicolon ( ; )
colon (: )
The comma (,)
a) commonly used to separate 
two or more items in a list. Put the comma after every item except the last item or thing.

 I bought milk, butter, cheese and cake from the shop.

we need to buy shoes, clothes, and accessories for the wedding.

 The car is spacious, stylish and affordable.

b)Separate words that are not part of a sentence
 sentence adverbs like frankly, hardly, hopefully, sadly, etc

Frankly, I don't care what you said.

Luckily, we all saved.

c)   forms of address
jack, can you come and help me.
Sir,  please have a seat!

Mom, Why are you so upset?

Dear sir, This letter is about .....

 d)   closing in emails and letters

Yours faithfully,

yours sincerely,


e) Separate linking words, however, therefore these sentences link one sentence to another as-

My parents wanted me to be a doctor. However, I have some other plans.

This is a good book. In fact, the best one.
f) to connect independent sentences with or without connecting words as-

 If you study more, your grades might be improved.

Pauses: semicolon (;)

The semicolon is used to combine closely related sentences. having conjunctive adverbs like however, in fact, therefore, etc, Remember you can end a first independent sentence with a full stop or period or can put a semicolon to join with another sentence.

This is a great book. In fact, the best one.
This is a great book; in fact, the best one.

My parents wanted me to be a doctor. However, I have some other plans.
My parents wanted me to be a doctor; However, I have some other plans.

 Pauses,  Colon (;) 
The colon  introduces information after an independent clause

 Daniel's restaurant specialized in four items: prawns, shrimp crab, and lobster.

I'd love to move to Japan, but there is one problem: I don't speak any Japanese.

 Apostrophe   ( ' )

 This is used to solve two purposes.
a) Mark contraction. Contractions are used to combine words. for example-

I'm a teacher.                                    (I am )

She's waiting for her friend.             (She is )

I'd love to hear this.                          (I would)

He doesn't like the idea.                    (does not)

They're not coming to the party.        (are not)

b) Mark possession
The apostrophe is used to mark possession, possession denotes relation and ownership.

Have you seen Anita's new car?

It is my sister's birthday.

The girls' new coach is a gold medalist. 

( remember with plural  put  only apostrophe after 's'  as in the above sentences girls' not girls's)

to be continued in part 2...

related post:-

Punctuation Marks (part 2)

popular idioms and phrases in English

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