Popular British and American English words .... words with different spellings and words with their counterparts

 Popular British and American English words ........

  words with different spellings  and words with their  counterparts 

More than 350 million people around the world speak English as a first language and more than 430 million people speak English as a second language. There are English speakers in most of the countries around the world People often talk about English as a Global Language. English is the second most widely spoken native tongue globally and an official language in 53 countries. English is the main language for global communications and the most popular language among foreign language learners
It first developed in Britain but the majority of speakers live in the United States. Language English has many varieties. The best known among them are British and American English, 

Are British and American English the same or different?

The answer may amaze you a bit but these two English varieties are definitely not the same and they don't differ too. Important to know if you're a foreign English speaker and afraid to think that swapping a few words with rendering you incomprehensible. Needn't worry this is not going to happen.  
Sometimes these two differ in spelling, vocabulary, pronunciation, or even in grammatical structure. However, globalization and the internet are there to decode this. Here is a list of some examples.

British vs. American words in spelling

  Here are the popular words which are spell differently but similar in meaning


 analyse               analyze

 aeroplane            airplane

 apologise            apologize

 appetiser             appetizer

 ageing                 aging

 behaviour            behavior

  burnt                   burned

 colour                  color

 cosy                    cozy
 cheque                check

 catalogue             catalog

 civilise                 civilize

  criticise                criticize

  catalyse                catalyze

  colonise                colonize

  centre                    center

  creamt                   creamed 
  defence                   defense

 dialogue                   dialog

emphasise            emphasize

  enquiry                     inquiry  
  flavour                      flavor

  favourite                   favorite

  grey                         gray

  honour                     honor

 jeweller                    jeweler

  labour                      labor
  licence                    license

  learnt                      learned

  mould                     mold

  neighbour              neighbor
  organise                 organize

   odour                    odor

  plough                    plow

  practise                   practice

  programme             program

   rumour                   rumor

  sulphor                    sulfur

   tyre                          tire

  pyjamas                    pajamas

   theatre                     theater

 whisky                      whiskey                              

Words with their counterparts

Here are a few examples of words that are used in the rest of the world but in the USA different words are used for them, you can say these are the counterparts of British English words.


  accelerator          gas pedal 

  anywhere            anyplace

  angry                   mad

 autumn                 fall

appetizer               starter

aubergine              eggplant

a pack of cards  a deck of cards

 banknote                 bill

 barrister                  attorney

 base rate                 prime rate

 biscuit                    cookie

 bonnet                    hood

 car parking       parking lot

 chemist                  drug store

 cot                         crib

 city center            downtown 

 crash                    wreck

 curtains                drapes

 dustbin                trash can

 diversion              detour 
  garden                  yard

  fine                       ticket

  football                soccer

 full stop                  period

 graduate                 alumnus

 ground floor         first floor

 purse                       handbag 
 hoarding                 billboard

 holiday                    vacation

 bill                           check                           

  lift                           elevator

 luggage                    baggage

number plate    license plate

notice board   bulletin board

 pavement                 sidewalk

 petrol                       gasoline

   post                        mail

  post box                   mailbox

postal code                 zip code

prawn                         shrimp

primary school  elementary school

share                            stock

underpass                    subway

baby carriage                pram

pub                               bar

restroom                  public toilet

queue                          line

return ticket       round ticket

rise                       raise (salary)

circle                  roundabout

sweet                           dessert

tap                                faucet

taxi                               cab

truck                             lorry

timetable                  schedule

wardrobe                    closet

zip                               zipper

 Finally, It is better to stick to one accent. but accidentally using one instead of the other will not lead to any miscommunication, Britishers, and Americans communicate with each other without a fuss. No need to be hard on you.if you are unable to remember the nuisance of each variety of  English.    


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